Ask For What You Need

How often has this happened in your marriage? You really want your wife to _____ (fill in the blank). So you drop hints, and make comments designed to steer her in the desired direction. But she never figures it out and you wind up getting resentful. Now you’re frustrated because your needs weren’t met, and she doesn’t even know why you’re upset.

Sadly, this is a common problem: She’s mad at him, and he has no clue why. He’s frustrated with her, and she doesn’t understand the reason. This is the inevitable result of expecting our spouse to read our mind instead of simply asking for what we need. 

Men and women think differently and are terrible at guessing what the other needs. If you need her to scratch your back – ask for a back scratch. Don’t just complain about how much your back itches.

Relationships improve drastically when we stop complaining about our problems and start asking for exactly what we need. Sit down with your wife and ask for what you need and ask her to do the same. This simple practice can alleviate years of frustration and resentment.

David Mills

Husband, father, veteran, and founder of Men’s Alliance.


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