Leadership By Example

We all want our sons and daughters to become healthy adults who are wise with money, smart with time, who exercise, invest, read books, work hard, and have a great marriage someday.

The thing is, we can’t lead our kids to a place that we’ve never been ourselves. 

When my boys were young, I could get away with just phoning it in. I could stay out too late, drink too much, overeat, overspend, and skip workouts, and they’d never know. I could still play with them and read to them and they’d think I was a great dad. But as they got older I realized that wasn’t cutting it anymore. 

Kids see more than we realize, and they soak it all in. I had to change my life in order to be the man that I wanted my boys to become. 

Having a kid should make us step up our game. When there’s a kid watching, suddenly every choice we make becomes a lesson for them to follow. 

The saying “more is caught than taught” is certainly true with dads. We have to be the men we want our daughters to marry and our sons to become.

David Mills

Husband, father, veteran, and founder of Men’s Alliance.


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