I’m Not Too Proud…

I hesitated to ask for help, because I thought I should be able to do this by myself. I shouldn’t need assistance getting an RV turned around and hauled out of the woods.

But years ago, when I parked my “hunting cabin” on wheels at the dead-end forest road I never intended to move it. So, I knew it would be tricky making a U-turn with a 27-foot camper surrounded by trees. But, as a man, it felt like failure asking for help.

I swallowed my pride and asked two buddies to give me a hand. We changed a flat tire, cut up a tree, and after making a 300-point turn around, we pulled that RV out of the woods.

On my own, I probably would have damaged the RV, my truck, or myself, and I certainly wouldn’t have had any of the laughs.

There’s strange power in asking for support. It transforms dreaded tasks into shared adventures, it strengthens friendships, and it gets things done faster and safer.

With all these benefits, I’d have been a fool not to ask for help. Next time you’re debating asking for help, ditch your pride, and enjoy the advantages of having friends.

David Mills

Husband, father, veteran, and founder of Men’s Alliance.


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